Coastline Art Hub's Past Exhibitors

The Coastline Art Hub began in January 2020. We have set up an exhibition space in our Community Hub store on Smith Street, Kempsey. Local artists are invited to showcase and sell their creative works.

We display local Artist’s artwork or photography for sale for a fortnightly period with all proceeds being returned directly to the artist. Our Creative Strategies team then helps set up and display the work and also promotes the exhibition, the Artist and the Artwork on our social media pages.

We have had 42 different artists display their work in the Art Hub. We have had a wide variety of art ranging from astrophotography, lino prints, folk art, oil on panel and acrylic on saw blades. The art displayed so far has come from the Macleay, Hastings and Manning Valleys.

Coastline holds three annual exhibtion; Education Week, International Women's Day and Movember for men.

The Coastline Art Hub has a Art Hub facebook page and instagram page

2023 Monthly Exhibitions

Claire McAlpine

Kay Thurston

IWD Exhibtion
March  terri maddock 1.jpg

Simon Mark

Chris Tyndall
May      linda lockyer past exhibitors.jpg

Jamie Rylance
June      linda lockyer past exhibitors.jpg

Naidoc Week
July      Naidoc-Week_2023_Social-Tile.jpg

Education Week
August      EducationWeek_ArtHub_2023-social-Tile copy.jpg

Katherine Ackland

The Wednesday Girls


Richard Tugwood

2021/2022 Exhibitions

Denise McDermott
4th -  15th January144683945_418367442783517_5294125643591293476_n.jpg

Harold Le Jeune
18th -  29th January146160332_727643054790712_4655470484059314398_n.jpg

Terri Maddock
1st - 13th Februaryterri maddock 1.jpg

IWD Exhibition
1st - 27th Marchimagec8iqd.png

Linda Lockyer
29th March-10th April linda lockyer past exhibitors.jpg

Patrick Indo
12th - 24th Aprilpast exhibitors.jpg

Sue Burrows
26th April - 8th Maysue burrows past exhibitors.jpg

Bernice Daher
10th - 22nd Mayimage60dfd.png

Kim Madden
24th May-5th JuneKim Madden Past Exhibitors.jpg

Brian Barker
7th - 19th JuneBrian Barker past exhibitors.jpg

Julie Shea
21st June - 3rd JulyJulie Shea past exhibitors.jpg

Jason Ridgeway
5th - 17th JuneJason Ridgeway past exhibitors.jpg

Education Week
19th June - 17th JulyEducation week.jpg

Sarah Jae Miles
13th - 24th SeptemberSarah Miles.jpg

Kathryn Batchelor
11th - 28th OctoberSarah Miles.jpg

Men's Art Exhibition
1st - 26th NovemberSarah Miles.jpg

Alex McNaught
1st - 10th December

RovingEye-Profilepic copy.jpg

Canvas Momentz
19th Jan - 11th Feb RovingEye-Profilepic copy.jpg

Maria Nolan
14th Feb - 25th FebRovingEye-Profilepic copy.jpg

Shirley Adams
28th Mar - 9th AprRovingEye-Profilepic copy.jpg

Sam Hawkins
11th - 22nd April

Fi Muras
25th April - 7th May

Nicola Mcleay
9th - 20th May

Darcy Clarke
6th - 17th June

Bee Hudson
20 June - 1 July

Mel Stewart
4 - 15 July

Pauline Roods
18 - 29 July

Education Week
1 - 31st August

Sarah Spencer
19 - 30 September

Jan Herrera & Christine Moore
3 - 31 October

1 - 30 November

Verqelle Fisher
1 - 30 December

2020 Exhibitions

Fred Bullen
14th - 31st January
fred bullen website.jpg

Mark Pryor
3rd - 14th February Mark Pryor website 1.jpg

Ainslie Ivin-Smith
17th - 28th Februaryainslie website.jpg

Eleanor Anson
2nd - 13th March
eleanor anson website.jpg

Myrna Komar
16th - 27th Marchmyrna website.jpg

Karyn Brenton
30th March - 10th Aprilkaryn brenton website.jpg

Simone Atkins
13th - 24th Aprilsimone atkins website.jpg

Laura Macdonald
27th April - 23rd Maylaura macdonald website.jpg

Christine Witchard
25th May - 6th Junechristine website.jpg

Roger Gifkins
8th - 19th Juneroger gifkins website.jpg

Don Gentle
22nd June - 4th Julydon gentle website.jpg

Gemma Stylz
6th - 17th Julygemma stylz website.jpg

Mark Pryor
20th - 31st Julymark pryor website.jpg

Gail Sue
3rd - 14th Augustgail sue website.jpg

Robyn Jackson
17th - 28th AugustRobyn Jackson website.jpg

Chris Austin 
31st Aug - 11th Septemberchris austin website.jpg

Fred Bullen
14th - 25th Septemberfred bullen pic 2.jpg

Deb Broughton
28th Sept - 9th Octoberdeb website.jpg

Jen Hetherington
12th - 23rd Octoberjen website.jpg

Kathy Edwards
26th Oct -  6th Novemberkathy edwards past exhibitors.jpg

Jason Ridgeway
9th - 20th Novemberjason- past exhibitors.jpg

Jill Cairns
23rd Nov - 4th DecemberJill Cairns past exhibitors.jpg

Verqelle Fisher
7th Dec - 1st January