Brian Barker

7th - 19th June

Brian Barker - Art Hub

Brian has being painting since he started work as a 14 year old working in the printing industry. He finalized an art course at Eastern Suburbs Art College. He has been working with artists most of his adult life but didn’t start painting seriously until he retired and moved to Bonny Hills in 2000.

Brian and his wife have travelled to most parts of Australia and have had a few overseas trips. He loves photography as well as painting, consequently taking alot of photos and he and his wife sketch and paint as they go. Living in Bonny Hills he rides his bike most days and swims at the local beaches in the Hastings region is a great inspiration for his art.

Brian loves the great diversity of scenery particularly the coastal National Parks, beaches and the tablelands. He has painted many scenes depicting the beauty of the Greater Port Macquarie region. He says ‘there is always something to paint’.

He started painting in oils then changed to acrylics for many years using palette knife, then ten years ago he switched to watercolour which he prefers. Brian sometimes includes ink with the watercolour, also likes to create large panels with mixed media.

Brian’s work is on display at the Hastings Valley Fine Art Gallery 2 William Street and at his home studio, Rainbow Beach Studio and Gallery, located at 15 Kendall Cres Bonny Hills. Brian enter smost exhibitions that are organized in the Mid North Coast, and his work has been on display at the Glasshouse Reginal Gallery and the Artwalk festival.

Get in touch with Brian:

ph: 65863236 Mob: 0418284583.


Instagram: brianbarker_art