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Tax Time Scams

12 June 2023

Tax Time Scams
It’s that time of year again! Tax time presents another opportunity for scammers to defraud our community members. 
If you receive a call or email claiming you’re entitled to reclaim overpaid tax or bank fees, ignore it – these scams are doing the rounds.
The scammer will typically pretend to be from a government agency, bank or private law firm claiming you are entitled to reclaim your overpaid tax or bank fees. They may also tell you that the refund is taxable and you will have to pay the tax amount before receiving the refund, or that you have to pay a fee to receive your money. You may think the story is legitimate because both tax time and bank fee refunds have been in the news lately. The scammer may also trick you by appearing to have personal information about you. 
Protect yourself!
  •  If you receive a phone call, SMS or email out of the blue from someone claiming you are entitled to a refund, hang up or delete the message immediately.
  • Activate your alarm bells if you are contacted by someone claiming to be from the government or a financial institution. Verify who they are by independently finding their contact details and contacting them directly.
  • NEVER provide or confirm your personal details, or give money to someone unless you made the contact using details you have found yourself and you trust the other party.
  • If you think you have provided your account details to a scammer, contact your bank or financial institution immediately.
Be alert and stay safe! 
Find out more about existing scams and how to report them via the ACCC Scam Watch website.