It’s simple and easy to make a claim. Call Cover-More to get started.
From Australia: 1300 889 137
From overseas: (02) 8907 5221
Or lodge a claim online
Claim online now through Cover-More’s easy, 5-step process:
1.Describe the incident
2.Enter your expenses or losses
3.Upload any supporting documents
4.Provide your bank details
5.Review and finalise your claim
You can save and return to an incomplete claim for up to 28 days.
Once you've lodged your claim, Cover-More will update you on how it's progressing within 10 working days.
Follow up an existing claim.
Cover-More understands that as a result of your incident, you might already be out of pocket. That's why Cover-More tries to process claims as quickly as possible.
You'll hear from Cover-More within 10 working days from the time they receive your claim.
To check your claim's progress, log into Cover-More’s online claims centre or contact them for more details.