
Coastline Credit Union invites male artists to display an artwork in their Art Hub for the whole month of November 2021.

This year's theme is "the world around us".

We are offering a $500 prize for the artwork that receives the most 'likes' on Coastline’s Art Hub Facebook Page

If you have a creative piece of work that you would like to display, please reserve your space. There is no fee to display and we charge no commission if the piece is sold.

Booking is essential for this exhibition. SPACES ARE LIMITED AND FILLING QUICKLY!


The display will be from Monday 1st of November until Saturday the 27th of November.
The competition: A photo of each of the artworks will be posted on the Coastline Art Hub Facebook page (in one Facebook post). The winner will be the artwork in that post that has the most likes. 
The display order of the Artworks in the Art Hub and on the Facebook page will be decided by the curator on what looks good together (unbiased).


Coastline reserves the right to assess each request and determine if it meets Coastline's values and vision for the Art Hub initiative.