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NPP - Important Change Ahead

27 June 2021

NPP - Important Change Ahead

New Payments Platform: Important change ahead

Since implementing the New Payments Platform in 2018, Coastline has continued to enhance our products and services to ensure you receive the most out of your banking experience with us.

The difference between Member Number and Account Number

Member Number

Account Number

Identification number Coastline staff use to identify customers and is the number you use to log into internet banking.


Specifies the exact account (8 or 9 digit numbers) you require the funds to be credited or debited to.

You can find your account details on your account statement, Internet Banking, or the MyCOAST Mobile Banking App


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In order to continue to deliver faster, easier and secure banking services for our members, from 1st October, 2021 a change to how you use your member number and account number will be required.

What you need to do?

To ensure your payments continue to be accepted, it is essential to provide your payment providers with your:

  • Account Name (typically your name)
  • BSB (704-189)
  • Account Number (8 or 9 digit number not your member number)

In addition, if you currently utilise Coastline’s Payroll Splits* functionality you will need to set up automatic transfers for these payments as Payroll Splits will not be available after 1st October 2021. Automatic transfers can be set up via internet banking alternatively, one of our friendly team members can help you.

Why this is so important?

Making this change will ensure you continue to receive important payments such as your income or government benefits.

We’re here for you

We are giving you lots of notice to make the change, however if you are still unsure what these changes mean for you, our friendly staff are just a phone call away. Please call 1300 361 066 to speak to one of our team members.

*What are payroll splits?

A payroll split is a function that currently allows members to disburse funds directly from their income or government benefit into multiple nominated accounts.